Sun, Feb 14, 2016 Valentine’s Day a year ago was family send-off day. It was another in the many gatherings of family around the dining room table which Bonnie always makes beautiful with a meal to match. I don’t remember precisely what we had but it was probably my favorite: pasta! There was a bit of excitement in the air because of the adventure looming out ahead for Theo and me. The plan was to leave the next day. All the additional cold-weather gear – pant and jacket liners, mittens, down booties – had arrived. The liners were returned as too bulky. We were ready to go but for bills, an appellate brief and odds and ends of paper work. It would not be until February 18th that we’d depart. Valentine’s Day would be the last day I shaved.
I gave Bonnie a ring with two diamonds separated by an amethyst held in a line between the two ends of a severed gold band. I told her our lives were the two diamonds and we were joined together by the heavenly blue amethyst. The infinite circle of our lives together was broken but held fast by the three stones. Although we would be physically separated by my adventure, we were one under the same heavenly blue sky above. Though broken, the ends of the band were held firmly in place by the same heavenly blue that held us together and, with us, completed the infinite circle.
Mon, Feb 15, 2016 Cleanout the basement and send stuff to the Farmersville Auction. Office things moved from closed law office to basement now moved to renovated space above garage. Close office files and items no longer needed stored in the back basement. My closet cleaned up and clothes and other items given away. Trips to Good Will. Draft of letter to family (still in draft and ready to send someday). Wills updated. Burial wishes written and sent to Bon and each child.
Tue, Feb 16, 2016 More of the same.
Wed, Feb 17, 2016 More of the same. All gear in order.